Debug issues in SSH key-based authenticationSSH prompting for a password despite getting all sshd_config settings correct? Read on!Jan 10, 2023Jan 10, 2023
On code reviewsYesterday I got this question asked in a tech interview. It is not a usual interview question. Usually, we jump straight to inverting the…Oct 27, 2022Oct 27, 2022
Karabiner ElementsI have been using a killer of a productivity app for more than five years now. It is, in fact, the first app I download to any new Mac that…Oct 16, 2022Oct 16, 2022
Horse race simulation — A java threading exerciseI encountered this in a recent interview, and I think it is an interesting exercise.Oct 13, 2022Oct 13, 2022
The ultimate un-attended Android device setupI recently am roaming a different country for personal work. And I have a cellphone number in my home country, which receives all OTPs and…Jul 15, 20221Jul 15, 20221
Use iperf to benchmark the transfer speeds between two hosts.Recently I had to estimate the practical transfer speeds between two hosts (As a benchmark for the real speeds I can expect for some file…Jul 1, 2022Jul 1, 2022
Maven — Restrict HTTP S/TLS protocol versionsCAUTION: Use for strictly debugging purposes. Older versions of HTTPS/TLS are not secure, and that is exactly why they have been disabled…Jul 1, 2022Jul 1, 2022
Maven TipsI have two tricks to share. Both of them came relevant to my recent task at work. So sharing it here to keep a reference for myself and…Jul 1, 2022Jul 1, 2022
[Notes] Flashing custom ROM on Redmi S2/Y2/YSLCAUTION: DO NOT use a cellphone phone with a custom ROM for any banking purposes or if you plan to handle any sensitive data on your device…Jun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022
How to flash Tasmota on Sonoff RF (H/W #R2 Ver 1.0)I wanted a Tasker ( controlled automatic charger for my unattended android device. I want the device to charge…Jun 10, 2022Jun 10, 2022